2022 Robot

Mystery Machine

Two time regional winners

First Broncobots swerve drive robot

~95% high goal shooting accuracy


  • Swerve drive with 4 Swerve Drive Specialties MK4i modules
  • 8 Falcon 500 motors powering/steering swerve modules
  • Swerve modules inverted for protection and space saving
  • Collector has 3 roller sets, Falcon 500 drive, pneumatic actuation
  • Storage has 2 Neo 500s, compliant/mecanum rollers, 5:1 reduction
  • Shooter has 2 Falcon 500s, 1 to 1.2 reduction, 4" Vex flywheels
  • Adjustable shooter hood with linear actuators, rear anti-backspin wheels
  • Climber uses 2 Climber-in-a-Box modules, pneumatic pistons, 3D printed hooks


  • Closed-loop swerve with Falcon encoders, CANcoders, NavX for positioning
  • Motion profiled autonomous paths using Path Planner
  • Automated collector deployment based on driver controls
  • Line sensors monitor storage capacity, control intake/shooting
  • Limelight vision tracking for shooter distance/RPM determination
  • Automated cargo release sequence based on target shooter RPM
  • Onboard camera vision for collector positioning
  • Safeguarded climber automation with sequential controls
  • Driver feedback like rumble, cargo count adjustment, arm position tweaks


  • Heartland Regional
  • Central Missouri Regional
  • Hosted Greater Kansas City Regional
  • 2022 World Championships
  • Indiana Robotics Invitational
  • CowTown ThrowDown

Score Data

Want more? Check out this year's Blue Alliance Page!

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